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Matyeva 34, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Naryn Region

High mountains, green meadows, steep mountain passes and crystal clear air… All these features come to mind at the mention of Naryn region. Around 95% of area of the region is located at an altitude of 1000 m. The climate here is the coolest in the whole country. Winters are long and cold, summers are warm, but quite short. However, this is where you can see the vast spaces of the green, incredibly lush grass, thanks to which the best cattle is bred here. Naryn region has always been a land of nomads who lived here in harmony with nature and constantly moved from winter to summer pastures. Nowadays living in a yurt on jailoo and learning the nomadic way of life is possible in Naryn. Then you can find yourself in the wonderful local environment and feel freedom and unity with nature. In the region you can see the real miracles of nature. Here is the springhead of he most extensive and powerful river of the country Naryn which has a huge hydropower potential. There are many large and small glaciers with a total area of ​​over 1,400 square meters, accumulating significant reserves of fresh water. High in the mountains you can seen a number of beautiful breathtaking lakes. The most famous and largest of them are the lakes Son-Kul and Chatyr-Kul.
Languages Spoken
Deutsch, English, Russian
Visa Requirements
Personal Documents not Requied
Area (km2)
44,160 km2
Explore Tour

Here our region Tours

Kel-Suu Lake

Naryn Region, Kyrgyzstan
3 days7

Tash Rabat

Naryn Region, Kirgisistan
3 days7

Kyrgyz Jailoo Tour

National Park, Chuy Region, Kyrgyzstan
3 days7
  • Quality5
  • Location5
  • Amenities5
  • Services5
  • Price5

Grand Tour of Kyrgyzstan

Chuy Region, Issyk-Kul Region, Naryn Region, Jalal-Abad Region
7 days7

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